Saturday, July 31, 2010

Ulf Lundell - Connemara

Ulf Lundell (born 20 November 1949 in Stockholm, Sweden, full name Gerhard Ulf Lundell ) is a Swedish writer, poet, songwriter, composer, musician and artist. Yesterday Ulf performed on the big stage at Gröna Lund, Stockholm. The park was loaded with (22 827) fans and Ulf was resolute and happy to be able to play in his home town. I was able to take some picture from this show, see below :).

Todays tune "Connemara" from the album "På andra sidan drömmarna" 1996 where Ulf worked together with Czech National Symphony Orchestra.

This tune has been the encore on his latest tour. The tune clocks in at 20:52. Enjoy this video take that was shot from his live performance at Tyrol that is next to the same stage that he was on last night.

More info @ Ulf Lundell's Official Website

Listen to "Ulf Lundell - Connemara" on Spotify
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