Sunday, July 11, 2010

Slash & Myles Kennedy - Starlight

Now, this arena that the video come from, we should have here in Sweden..
Slash & Myles, wotta couple.

Slash. Prins of gitarr playing with a feeling
thats hard to beat.

Myles Kennedy: King of voices, his voice that can
sing what ever one can dream of.

2 Gentlemens that I have the deepest respect for.
Slash mostly known as the gitarr player in Guns & Roses.
Myles Kennedy from my favo band Alter Bridge.

There was a rumor going on that Myles should be the singer
in a new set up with Led Zeppelin, somehow that project didnt go right.

Ah well, this is my choise of tune of the day.

Enjoy these 2 videos, I must say that the second video is
more my taste :D

Rock on and have a nice summer, Thetania

Here is an heavier video with the 2 gentlemens.
The tune is: Nothing To Say

Listen to "Slash - Starlight" on Spotify
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