Saturday, September 12, 2009

Anathema - Angels Walk Among Us

Anathema is an English band from the city of Liverpool, which, together with Paradise Lost and My Dying Bride, helped to develop the death/doom sound, a subgenre of doom metal. However, their album Eternity was a departure from doom and metal, and signaled their transition to atmospheric rock.

Yesterday they did visit Sweden for a gig at Klubben/Stockholm, was only in to listen to the soundcheck, was to tired to stay for the show even if i wanted to as it sounded marvelous. Im almost sure that they delivered a great show.
The latest album Hindsight is wonderful and i can recommend it to buy.

Todays tune is a single that was released in 2007

More info @ Anathema's Official Website or @ Anathema's Official MySpace

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