Sunday, September 13, 2009

John Lee Hooker - I'll never get out of these blues alive

This marvelous man was born in August 22, 1917
and left his earth life in June 21, 2001.
Did his first recording in 1948 and in 2009
John Lee Hooker Anthology: 50 Years 1948-1998
chronological anthology was released

He recorded over 100 albums.....Now thats something huh?

Hooker began his life as the son of a sharecropper,
and rose to prominence performing his own unique style
of what was originally closest to Delta blues.
He developed a half-spoken style that was his trademark.

Ah well enough, Now we listen and look on this great man!

Ladys and Gents here is John Lee Hooker :)


Peace, Thetania

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