Saturday, June 27, 2009

Thåström - Keops Pyramid

This week have been a busy week with music. Many of the Swedish acts are pepering for the summer tour. Acts like Thåström, Benny Andersson Orkester, Thomas Ledin, Lars Winnerbäck, Lena & Orup and list can be even longer.
Also had some time to see some shows this week and some of it will be publish here.
First of all i wanted to start with a guy that i really like alot.
And i probebly will see his show next friday if something dosent come inbetween.

Todays tune is Keops Pyramid and it's a song that is written by Mikael Wiehe, member of the Swedish Proggband Hoola Bandoola Band who recorded the tune for the album Vem kan man lita på? (Who can you trust?) 1972.


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