Saturday, June 13, 2009

Joshua Radin - Nowhere To Go

Second day at Where the action is..It rained all day.. very weet.

I was standing as a security and I missed this guy/girl who filmed this guy,
Now im pretty cool with it :D
Never heard of Joshua b4 but he do have a good voice and a great tune.

He started his artistic business at early age with music, art and acting.
Growed up in Ohio.

He recorded a demotape with his song "Winter" and when a close friend, actor/filmmaker Zach Braff, heard the demo, he was immediately interested and featured the song on his show Scrubs in the episode "My Screw Up" in early 2004

After that he made severals of preformance in tv shows, He done 2 albums.

Im gonna play for u a new song he wrote.

Enjoy People!!

Love Thetania

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