Monday, May 11, 2009

Joe Bonamassa - Ballad of John Henry

One more day of Mr Joe Bonamassa, as Thetania wrote it was great evening at Berns/Stockholm.
This was the first time that i was able to see him live, got a few records with him that i do like.
Oh boy this was a great one, beat the time with my foot the whole show and thats is kinda rearly these days as you get kinda
jaded during the years with shows every second day. Some of the tunes really hit my soul and i really like that he plays with the tunes and has one finger in every style, but the style he masters the best is the blues witch i believe if he continue will be a real master at as he really can handle the guitar already.

As for yesterdays tune Joe's dream really came thru when he got the chance to play with one of his heroes "Eric Clapton"
That most be part of the best day of his life.

Got a few snap shoots from the evening.
The first one is when he having fun with a flying v and playing some harder stuff.

Second one was a amazing part of the show when he took his acoustic and showed that he really mastered a piece of wood.

Todays tune is a studio footage for the song "Ballad of John Henry" from the 2009 CD of the same name. If you can, the video was made to be seen in HD for both video and sound.

John Henry is an American folk hero, famous for having raced against a steam powered hammer and won, only to die in victory with his hammer in his hand. He has been the subject of numerous songs, stories, plays, and novels.

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