Monday, May 18, 2009

Deportees - Damaged Goods

Deportees is a Swedish band from Vindeln/Umeå that consists of Peder Stenberg (Vocal), Anders Stenberg (gitarr), Thomas Hedlund (Trummor) and Mattias Lidström (keyboard). The Band started in 2003 when the members rented a studio to record a few songs that they had prepared for, including the debutesingle "Arrest Me 'til it Hurts" – a peculiar tune with influences of pop, funk, country and some Prince.

After a year of touring in Sweden and a visit to USA, they begun a co-work with the producers Pelle Gunnerfeldt and Björn Yttling.
And in spring 2006 did a new single see the light "Damaged Goods" a little more darker, but still as peculiar as the first album.

After the bands 2:nd album release they toured in Sweden, United Kingdom and Irland with the french act Phoenix.

The Band just released a new single "Under the Pavement - The beach" and a album .

Today's tune is Damaged Goods from thier 2:nd album.
I believe more of these guys tunes will come in the future.
So enjoy this.

Damaged Goods

More info @ Officiell webpage or Deportees på MySpace

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