Thursday, February 2, 2012

A Great Soul Was Extinguished From The New York City Heavy Music Scene: Rock In Peace Not-So-Evil Steve Ventura!

Yesterday, the New York City Heavy Music scene lost a man that literally bled for the underground music scene! Steve Ventura (A.K.A. Evil Steve), was not only a devoted fan and supporter of all things related to the local music scene (he introduced us to a handful of bands), but he thankfully also captured the essence of this ever-growing scene through the lens of his camera!

One thing that is very inspiring about Steve is how after working all types of jobs for so many years so he could help raise his children, he decided to go back to school and follow his passion of becoming a professional photographer. Unfortunately but rightfully, his plans changed after his father passed away and he took it upon himself to take care of his elderly mother who became very fragile after the death of Mr. Ventura.

We will never forget how Steve jumped on board the Horns Up Rocks crazy train without expecting anything in return! He did it because he believed in us and we believed in his immense talent. We had many conversations with Steve and reassured him that we'd wait for him to be ready to jump back on board, because we respected his priorities as the wonderful son he was.

While Steve might have made some mistakes in his past, just like most of us have. He won't be remembered because of the errors he committed... he will always be remembered for his huge heart and perseverance. If there is one thing that everyone can learn from him, is that life is too short to waste it away! Follow your passion and don't let anyone slow you down. And if they do, just give them the middle finger!

Steve: we love you and thank you for everything you did for us and the entire Heavy Music scene! Rock in PEACE, and rest assured that we will not let your flame be extinguished! \m/

More information about his funeral arrangements to follow!

Services for "Evil" Steve Ventura will be held tomorrow 2/3/12 at:

English Brothers Funeral Home
2203 Avenue Z
Viewing Hours:

Go to the comments section and let us know what Steve Ventura meant to you!

‎"A great photograph is a full expression of what one feels about what is being photographed in the deepest sense, and is, thereby, a true expression of what one feels about life in its entirety. You will always be a rock star photographer Steve... no matter what!" - Porphyra Philia

Steve filmed this Horns Up Rocks interview at one of the first national concerts ever covered by us:

"I remember talking to Steve when he first started his photography degree. Watching his photography evolve made me so proud to see. He achieved success and his photos will make him live on forever. I am so sad to read that we lost him." - Stephanie Volpe

"VERY sad news! Steve Ventura (AKA EvilSteveBklynNY): one of the members of the NYC Metal familia has passed away! Throughout the last year he was "missing in action" since he was taking care of his mother after his father passed away. Last time I saw him he offered me some chips out of a semi empty bag even though he was hungry... Steve would literally give you his shirt if you were cold, his drink if you were thirsty & helped me so much when I started Horns Up Rocks! YOU WILL BE SORELY MISSED by the entire NYC Metal familia! I LOVE YOU brother & ROCK IN PEACE my friend, you deserve it!" - Jo Schüftan

Click to see more pictures taken by Steve Ventura

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