Saturday, August 6, 2011

tAKiDA - Haven Stay

We wrote about a Tent tour that was going on with Europe and tAKiDA, around this time a journalist here in Sweden that wrote some horrified shit about tAKiDA and their members. It was so damn terrible, he wrote that the singer sings like he have the down-syndrom. Its kinda unprofessional to write something like that, I mean there is nothing like bad music its just different kinda taste.

There were lots and lots of people that went against this, specially a lady from a Swedish blog named Kulturbloggen (its on Swedish) thats really good.

Ah well, I wanted to tell tAKiDA that: Fuck that journalist and do what ure doing and do it more and more and it will surely kill the suppression!

Ure good, not my favorite but ure good and u play and sing with feeling!

Dude and Dudettes here is a video of one of tAKiDAs latest singles, Haven Stay!

Cheers, Thetania

spotifyListen to ”tAKiDA - Haven Stay" on Spotify here!

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