Sunday, August 28, 2011

Lykke Li - I Follow Rivers

 Yesterday was a festival, more specifically, Propaganda! A package crammed with music. At that stage I was working on, jostling bands like Those Dancing Days, Jenny Wilson, Säkert Midlake and Lykke Li. A very nice event, as usual, when this festival takes place. Going to do a little summary of the bands that played on the scene I was working on the mixing of images:)

First was the Stockholm band Danicing Those Days, these young ladies did a great performance with their danceable pop. Had some bad luck At the beginning when guitarist shoulderstrap released and was trying to play until rescue came and the gaffa rescued the rest of the gig. Drummer Cissi's probably one of the coolest drummers in the girl band I've ever seen, she pounded the skins as if it was the last thing she would do in life.

Then it was time for Jenny Wilson and her Tensta Gospel Choir to perform. It was actually quite impressive with the choirs. Swinging ok.

After that it was Annika Norlin and her Säkert's to get up on stage. She is a Swedish pop artist who makes music under the artist names Hello Saferide (in English) and Säkert! (in Swedish). Her Swedish songs get the audience to sing along.

A small view when Säkert's backline tech "Joel" trying to work during Jenny Wilson's gig. A bit difficult to see when so much smoke should pass the visual field.

A view of the audience and excited photographers.

American band Midlake was number four to enter the scene. That this is a band that certainly is best suited during a little more intimate relationships than the festival, it could be seen almost immediately, the band use only a fourth part of the stage, very compact, I must say, but they did an awesome gig, really beautiful with their folksih element mixed with easy country rock.

Lykke Li who was the evening's headliner on the main stage for a night of very smoky but spectacular show.

Todays tune "I Follow Rivers" is a song by Swedish recording artist Lykke Li from her second studio album, Wounded Rhymes. Produced by Björn Yttling of Peter Bjorn and John, it was released in Sweden on 21 January 2011 as the album's second single. The music video was directed by Tarik Saleh and features Li in a black robe and veil chasing a man (Fares Fares) through a snowy landscape.

More info @
Those Dancing Days
Jenny Wilson
Lykke Li

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