Thursday, September 30, 2010

Neil Young - Le Noise - The Film

The film Le Noise - a 38-minute black-and-white film with eight live in-studio performances of the eight songs that are on the rock legend Neil Young's new album Le Noise will premiere exclusively on YouTube starting 30 September.

Besides the musical performances will also be an introduction to the album by Neil Young himself, as well as documentary footage from the recording of the album with producer Daniel Lanois, and others. The performances, which are filmed by filmmaker Adam CK Vollick, includes Neil on acoustic and electric guitars in Lanois home studio in Silver Lake, CA, where Neil and Lanois recorded the album Le Noise. You can see a clip below with Lanois talking about the new album and Neil Young.

Le Noise is Neil on acoustic and electric guitars with producer Lanois characteristic traits and together become the one of the most captivating albums Neil has recorded. No band, no toppings, just "a man on a stool and me doing a nice job on the recording, which Lanois describes it.

The Making of Le Noise: the new album from Neil Young
Watch a conversation with Daniel Lanois, the producer of the new album Le Noise from Neil Young. In stores September 28th.

Le Noise - The Film

More info @ Neil's Garage – Official Website

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