Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Metallica - Orion

Third day of the Werock Summer Soundtrack. Todays theme is Summer driving.

Driving a car can be a quiescent experience at any time of year, but a really great summer offers many beautiful options. Sitting in a convertible and gently driving and hear the tires crunches over a dirt road. Hanging out with friends in a car hot as sauna and roll through the center of the town with the windows opened. In solo contemplation when miles on the highway disappearing into the bright summer night.

To do this the best way possible of course, requires music.
Good one.

Get WeRock-favorite authors and what we associate with the summer driving!

Todays tune is "Orion" with Metallica from the album Master Of Puppets and is the third studio album by American heavy metal band Metallic. It was released on March 3, 1986. Master of Puppets met with significant critical acclaim at the time of its release. The album is considered a classic thrash metal album by fans, critics, and the band members themselves alike, and is also considered one of the greatest heavy metal albums of all time.

Metallica with the album Masters Of Puppets is what Jonte choose for his Summer Soundtrack. Let's see what he has to say about it.

Best of all is of course to drive alone on the summer night, preferably on a highway in one of Sweden's plains. Let then Metallica escort you through journey with the album "Master of Puppets" at a dangerously high volume. When Orion then starts, you will never - and I mean never! - Like to stop driving.

More info @
Official Metallica Website
Metallica on tour
Jonte's Blog
Werock Summer Soundtrack day 3

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