Monday, May 3, 2010

The Cult - Rain

The Cult, was playing Sonispherefestivals last summer.
In Sweden they played in a small music town called Hultsfred.
I was doing the spotlight on them and Metallica but when i touched the spotlight it was electric or electrified, so under most part of The Cult the technichian had to turn my spot off to fix the cables. but then in the end of their preformance the cables was fixed and the second guitar player got the lights shining on him :)

SO what about them...well they come from England and started up 1983.
I think they are one of top of changing band members the list of former players are very long.

They done 8 albums and are about to release their 9th soon.

This tune comes from the albums released 1985 called "Love"

Dig it!

Cheers, Thetania

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