Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Paul Weller - 7 & 3 Is The Strikers Name

Paul Weller (born John William Weller on 25 May 1958) is an English singer-songwriter. Starting with the mod/punk-rock band the Jam (1976-1982) and later on with the Style Council (1983-1989). In 1991 he re-established himself as a successful solo artist and continues to remain a respected singer, lyricist and guitarist.

Wake Up the Nation is the tenth studio album from Paul Weller and was released April 19, 2010. It is the first of Weller's albums since 1982 to feature contributions from Bruce Foxton, formerly of The Jam. Weller told Mojo magazine: "We'd both lost loved ones and without getting too spiritual that was the spur of it. I spoke to him this time last year when his wife Pat was ill and that broke the ice, then I invited him down to Black Barn (studio). There was no big plan, it was easy, a laugh, and nice to see him and work together again. We just slipped back into it." This summer will Paul Weller play at the Way Out West festival in Gothenburg.

Most of the 16 tracks are short, sharp, strange but somehow very cleaver. Todays tune "7 & 3 Is The Strikers Name" is a militaristic sound collage. This tune is done together with Kevin Shields from My Bloody Valentine.

More info: Official Paul Weller's Website

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