Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Job For A Cowboy - Unfurling A Darkened Gospel

Today it time for the last band from the Lamb Of God package that was held a few days back so for today i will talk about a band call them self for Job for a Cowboy. The band playes an American extreme death metal and they are from Glendale, Arizona, formed in 2003. Job for a Cowboy started as a deathcore group, and evolved into a predominantly death metal sound with their full-length debut Genesis. They have been defined by The New York Times as "an Arizona band with a guttural, brute-force sound descended (indirectly) from hard-core punk" and "straightforwardly brutal act" by Rolling Stone magazine.

The current line-up of the band consists of vocalist Jonny Davy, guitarists Al Glassman and Bobby Thompson, bassist Brent Riggs, and drummer Jon Rice, with Davy being the only original member. This band did an ok show, to bad that i wasn't able to see the hole thing, but i did bumped into Al a few times, a nice dude from Boston who liked this country alot as we have the same weather that they do :) As he wasn't to happy to spend to long times in Arizona, to hot.

Todays tune is taken from their second studio album "Ruination" -2009.

More info @ Official JFAC Website or JFAC on MySpace

Listen to "Job For A Cowboy - Unfurling A Darkened Gospel" on Spotify

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