Saturday, March 13, 2010

Crucified Barbara - Heaven or Hell

And the winner at the Swedish song contest are.....
Crucified Barbara \o/

Cos that was the only song that was MUSIC in it.
F the rest!!

These girls are from my home town Tyreso.
They begun as a punk band but got more and more rock
as time went by, great :)

Started up 1998.
Their first album from 2005
was named "In Distortion We Trust"
Next came 2009 and is called "Til Death Do Us Party"
was produced in part by Mats Levén
(known for producing albums by Yngwie Malmsteen,
Krux, and Therion)

They recently changed booking parner
and the new one is
Skrikhult Productions whom I do like
very much!! Go Olof Go!!!

The band concist of:
Mia Coldheart on Vocals and Guitar
Klara Force on Guitar
Ida Evileye on Bass
Nicki Wicked on Drums

Im hoping to see more of u gurls!!!

Cheers Dudedettes and Dudes,

Wanna know more?

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