Thursday, February 4, 2010

Corroded - Inside you

Back to Bandit Rock Awards :)

The breakthrough of the year(2009)was

A awesome band from up north of Sweden.
They started 2004.
Corroded released one singel and one album
called "Eleven Shades Of Black"
I do hope the next one comes soon.

They write on MySpace that; The characteristic of the band
is the heavy yet melodic three-part guitar work combined
with a suggestive and tight rhythm section and of course
the unmistakable razorblade sharp voice of Jens Westin.

They also played some tunes at the show,
stand in for Raised Fists who had some
sickness among their guys.
I was at first a bit Oh no....
but I changed my mind
cause Corroded is damn good!

They took the stage with full energy and
played like a hard rocker does.

Congrats to ure award Corroded!!!

Ive chosen a tune called Inside you.
This is on their Album that I mentioned b4.

As the live video was too short i also took the
Only song "video" as well :)

Headbang with me Dudes and Dudettes,

Wanna know more about them? Go to:

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