Friday, April 24, 2009

Zodiac Mindwarp - Prime Mover

Zodiac Mindwarp and the Love Reaction are a British hard rock group.
The band is the brainchild of Mark Manning, a graphic artist and editor of London's Flexipop magazine. Deciding to experience the debauchery of life as a decadent rock star, he assumed the alter ego, Zodiac Mindwarp, and formed the Love Reaction in the mid 1980s together with guitarist Cobalt Stargazer (real name Geoff Bird), who curiously enough once also played for Wham!. Other band members who came and went over the years include Kid Chaos (real name Stephen Harris), Slam Thunderhide, Evil Bastard, Trash D Garbage (real name Paul Bailey, now playing guitar with Creme Brulee), Flash Bastard (real name Jan Cyrka), Suzy X, Tex Diablo, and Robbie Vom.
Zodiac co-wrote the track "Feed My Frankenstein" which appeared on the Alice Cooper album Hey Stoopid. Zodiac Mindwarp and The Love Reaction recorded their own version of the song which appeared on the album Hoodlum Thunder.

Today Zodiac and his Love Reaction played @ Harry B James, to bad i didn't have the chance to visit the gig but, i will honor him with a tune.

More info @ Official Zodiac Mindwarp or @ MySpace

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