Sunday, February 22, 2009

Seasick Steve - Dog House Boogie

Steven Gene Wold, commonly known as Seasick Steve (born 1951 but as far as i know this isn't confirmed as don't like to talk about his age and like to keep this as little secret), is an American bluesman,
although he prefers to be called "a song and dance man." He plays guitars (personalized), and sings,
usually about his early life living rough and doing casual work.

Yesterday this man did a marvelous gig @ Debaser/Stockholm, Sweden.
And it was a hell of a show, i could not stand still for a min.
Steve was a bit ill, but still he gave what he could, he did puke just before the extra number.
Steve is a good story telling man and like to share his past, he talks about his family and his beloved dog (Boss)
His music is real farmer blues as we call it back in Sweden. Its a good driven blues.
Its also fun that the drummer is Swedish and all the way from Åmål.

Here is a picture from the soundcheck.
I apologize for the poor picture, my camera is broken so i borrowed one (Sanyo)
But i will get my camera back soon i hope, i really miss it, did take some good once for a compact.

The Three-String Trance Wonder - This is a normal guitar, but with only three strings.
It has an old Harmony pickup added (with duct tape)
At his gigs, he often tells the story that he bought it for $75 in this condition in Como, Mississippi from a man named Sherman, who later told him he only paid $25 for it the day before. He would never to add another string, and that he would tour the world telling his story of how Sherman ripped him off. But all is good as Sherman is a good buddy.
A lot of the time he also adds (while picking up or putting away the guitar) that it is the "...biggest piece of shit in the world, I swear". Beside this and the other guitars he use a The 'MDM' (Mississippi Drum Machine) its a small wooden box that is stomped upon, providing percussion.

Seasick Steve singing his track Dog House Boogie, originally performed on Jools Hollands Hootenanny.
This time live at the Thekla Social in Bristol on the 17th of April 2007.
Enjoy todays tune!

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