Sunday, February 1, 2009

Markus Krunegård - Jag Är En Vampyr

Markus Krunegård, born 6 april 1979 in Norrköping, Sweden, is a Swedish singer & songwriter.
Krunegård has his roots in the finish Tornedalen.
Krunegård is mostly known by the singer in the pop act Laakso, but also a member in the band Hets.
The 2th of april 2008 he released his solo album Markusevangeliet, were the first single was "Jag är en vampyr" that entred the 5th place on the Swedish "Trackslistans" year list for 2008.

This evning is Krunegård entering the stage at Circus for a show.
As far as i know Markus, he seems to be a very sympatic and friendly guy, easy to talk with and i do like him as an artist even if the music he makes isnt what i usally listen to.

More Info @ MySpace

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