Monday, May 2, 2011

Pernilla Andersson - Vintern Blev För Lång

I was doing spotlight on the 1st of May on a show called "Humour gala - For every kid" Or in Swedish Humor galan - Till Varenda Unge!

This show is full of both Humour and strong videoclips about how children all over the world live in poverty and fear of death trough sickness and violence.

The purpose is to wake people up and get them to be a "World Parent" and give 100 sek per month to Unicef that helps children in need.
When the cameras were put out, Humour Gala - For every kid had 16600 Swedish people called in and registered as a new World Parents, that was less than last year but then they had the Haiti catastrophe.

I choosed a Lady from Sweden that did a great tune, Pernilla Andersson.

This Gala is full of artists and actors that entertain and lots of fun, but it was also an evening filled with seriousness. Humour Gala host David Hellenius traveled to Kenya and visited one of Africa's largest slums, Kibera in Nairobi. There he met children living under extremely difficult conditions, many of them orphaned by AIDS.
It was very hard to confront these circumstances these kids live in, my tears was rolling..

If you live in Sweden and want to help, Go to Unicef homepage

If you live outside in Europe, USA or any other country click here to come to Unicef!

Here is some pics I took.

The Video Screen

Stage before the rehearsals.

My Boss the Lighting tech that gave us the que´s, Fredrik, It was taken from my spotting place.

Here is Fredrik pushing lights in the right place, with Joel another light tech viewing.

Me spotting.

Stephen Simmonds during rehearsal, he was the conductor of the house band.

Todays Tune Of The Day girl, under rehearsal of the Metallica song "Nothing Else Matters" She did it in a very good and diffrent way.
(wish I could have that tune as T.O.T.D)

The ending thank you...

Ladys and Gents, Here is Pernilla in a song from here album "Gör Dig Till Hund" (make yourself into a dog)

Peace, Thetania

This is one of the why´s Sweden have this "Humorgalan"
This is a video about children that Unicef help with money from Us that is a worldparent..

This is a bonus for our Swedish viewers (its a Swedish sketch about a tv show we have.)
Pluras Kök från Humorgalan!

spotifyListen to ”Pernilla Andersson - Vintern Blev För Lång" on Spotify here!

spotifyFollow on Spotify here!

Wanna read more about Pernilla click here (Its a Swedish home site)

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