Friday, February 18, 2011

Bright Eyes - Approximate Sunlight

Yesterday Bright Eyes playd at Debaser, Medis, in Stockholm.
Its was very crowded, and the audience loved what they saw and heard.

I was working there, and I can say, their gear was damn weight i mean :p
2 drummers and lotsa synths and guitars.. fully equipped for a bigger arena than Debaser.
Here is a pic I took, its a bit blury cos the crowd was moving a lot :D

When I was standing there backstage w8 for it to end, I saw 2 very big Swedish guys dressed in jeans and a nice jackets. With security shit in their ears.
Later on they was down and w8ing for a guy that was smoking...and I asked him who they were, he said they were working for the special police force, as body guards to the American Ambassador. Apearently he knew the band. :)

A founding member of Commander Venus – which disbanded in 1997 – guitarist/vocalist Conor Oberst turned to focus on his new project, Bright Eyes. The name of the band comes from a late night classic movie, Planet of the Apes, in which Dr. Zira calls Taylor "bright eyes" as a term of endearment. In 1998, he released 20 of the songs he had been stockpiling as the first official Bright Eyes album, A Collection of Songs Written and Recorded 1995-1997.

The band's permanent members are:
Conor Oberst on vocals, guitar, keyboards, bass guitar
Mike Mogis on banjo, mandolin, pedal steel guitar, electric guitar
Nate Walcott on organ, trumpet, accordion, keytar

They done 7 albums the latest came out this year, named "The Peoples Keys"
Ive choosed a tune form that album, Approximate Sunlight.

Ladys and Gents, enjoy!

Cheers, Thetania

Live, from Debaser.

From the album, just sound.

spotifyListen to "Bright Eyes - Approximate Sunlight" on Spotify here!

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