Monday, August 23, 2010

Träd Gräs & Stenar - Punkrocker

Torjörn Abelli, bassplayer of Träd Gräs & Stenar and a great friend have left the earth for travelling in other realms. I met Torbjörn long time ago at a show here in Stockholm, he was a very talkactive and a nice guy. He had always some great stories to tell, even if i bumped into him in town or at a show. So i started to see him and the band more often, can't even remember how many shows i have seen but its many. One thing i remember was when they did a show at Slussen with a Asian Psychedelic act they didn't have any to help out with thier merch so he asked nicely if i could handle it and sure there i stood selling cd's and t-shirt :) Another thing we had in common was the Website of TGS, where i helped him once to build up the guestbook. Torbjörn, you will be missed, but you will always be around. Thanks for everything, Rest In Piece.

Träd Gräs & Stenar (Trees, Grass and Stones)a band rooted forty years back, plays an ageless trance-rock. The first minimalist rock group in Sweden, with a dubious key role in Swedish underground the years 1967 - 1972, still alive today playing a very contemporary suggestive, rythmic heart pumping and sound streaming music not played by anyone else.

Todays tune is for him and the rest of the guys in the band.

More Info @ Official Träd, Gräs Och Stenar Website

Listen to "Träd Gräs & Stenar - Punkrocker " on Spotify
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