Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Europe - The Beast

Finally they arrived at Hovet, Stockholm.
With them they had Crusified Barbara and Aggressive Chill
Both of em is from Sweden and Barbara is from the town I live in
Tyresö YaY!

This was a very energic and fantasic show.

Europes crew members was adorable!!
I was specially amazed of the lightning show!

John Norum play´d so hard his gitar coord slipped out several times.
It sounded so good!

Me...the Hard Hard rocker was standing there and got goose bumps
and listened almost on the whole concert which isnt that usual
when it comes to us stagehands, as one see so much concerts and
get blasé....Well I wasent blasé I rocked the whole concert!!!!

As i took almost all good songs Ill take a song from their new album
"Last look at eden" "The Beast"
Couldnt find a video to it but i got some video shots and some pics
Video filmed by members of Europe the band and their crew
whilst touring Germany, November 2009

Enjoy Dudes and Dudettes,

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