Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Mustasch - Black City

This is a Swedish rock band formed in fall 1998.

Mustasch was formed on the island Orust in Sweden in 1998, and recorded a demo which was released on different record labels around the world in small numbers. In 2000 they released their first EP The True Sound of the New West.

What u might missed was that they choosed the name Mustasch because many of their musical heroes had mustaches for example Freddie Mercury from Queen and Tony Iommi from Black Sabbath. :)

2008 they released the album Lowlife Highlights its a
bit darker than the other once but thats just my opinion,
Im not really done listening to it yet :)
On the 17 of October AEG Live arrange a concert with
Mustasch at Annexet in Stockholm.

Do come and take a peak they are fantastic live!

I picked this tune from their second album Ratsafari.

Head bang folks!

Peace, Thetania

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